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Our Family

It feels weird making a website about our own family, projects, and the struggles faced and (hopefully) all overcome. It's been a dozen wild years of marriage, and we are inspired to share the story with our community of friends and family. We hope to grow that community while also giving our children a platform to access the supports they need to accomplish their dreams. By blogging about family experiences, both painful and rewarding, we want to inspire and connect with other families going through similar struggles. It is hard to imagine the truth of this sometimes, but we are not alone. So, in short, this is all about connection and purpose as a family.



Christina is a woman with a mind that knows no boundaries. Ideas flow and the impossible becomes the expected. Loyal, loving and totally obsessive about creating a better world for the future generations, she is the mastermind behind any project to come to fruition in our home. Take a moment to enjoy her art clicking here.



As Christina is to ideas, Owen is to action. Over the last several years his role as father and husband have come to truly define him. Raised in Peru, he has a slightly different take on the importance and needed prioritization of culture, community and world awareness. As a father of five he knows firsthand that it in fact DOES 'take a village', and when there has been no village he has repeatedly recruited one. 



Witty and daring, Simon is the human that made us look deep into our souls and question exactly who we wanted to be as parents and individuals. He is observant and sensitive to the emotions of anyone in the room. As the firstborn he is the very reason we had four more.

He is passionate about sports and one on one quality time with either his peers or parents. To check out Simon and Royal's Channel, please click here.



Good ol' Roy! This is a quiet  guy that knows how to party. He'll bust out a sweet dance move when you least expect it. As he himself told us at the age of 3, he was born to be a protector of 'aminals'... And he still has a very soft spot for any furry creature. Although the introvert of his own litter he has a way of delivering a good zinger of his own every now and then and just has a great way of catching us all off guard. 



As I understand it, the name Faye comes from the word fairy... and if it doesn't, after this Faye it will. 

Fiery, insistent and strong willed, at 7 years old this girl has already shown us that she will land up wherever it is she wants to go.

Faye loves to dance and sing like nobody is watching but with everyone watching. She is nurturing and so caring for her siblings, especially Columbia.

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A picture says a thousand words and in this case the saying has never rang more true. At 5 years old, Katie is a magical gnome that lives in a world were nothing but goodness and love prevail. Born with a naturally courteous heart, whatever rest was lost through the night is usually replenished by her faithful morning greetings in her beautiful raspy voice. A hugger, a singer and an ambassador of innocence, she's off to a good start in making the world a better place!

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Boom! Out Columbia came and she instantly started to carve out her space in our family. At 2.5 years old she has now spent over 80% of her life in Guatemala, and it shows! While understanding our English at home, Columbia refuses to speak anything but Spanish! When things are going crappy she's there for us for a good snuggle. We hope that through the blog and videos the readers will get to see just how loving and big a personality can truly be, no matter how small the package.

How you can support our projects

Thank you for your interest in our family and what we are doing. The Giving Experiment is proving to be a truly grassroots community project. We could not be doing what we're doing without the strong support of friends like you. We have worked hard at setting up multiple streams of income to finance our journey. Here's a list of ways you can help by getting involved:

Visit regularly


High web traffic is the wind in our sails. At the bottom of each page, there is a mailing list subscription form. Please enter your email address to stay informed of our whereabouts and what we are doing. 

Spread the word

Letting others know about our project is really important for its growth. Please consider sharing our link on your social media feed.


Like what we're up to and want to support this wild adventure in a direct way? We welcome and appreciate your giving. You can click here to donate as little as $10 to as much as you can afford to give. Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Want to get involved? Come help us on the ground right here in Guatemala and stay at our guesthouse Los Colores. 


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Our Blog Posts 

(again in case you missed it)

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