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the giving experiment

The story of a Canadian family of 7 living in Guatemala

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

The plot continues to thicken and unfold as we take one day at a time. Currently focusing on initiatives that

serve and support our local neighbourhood in San Pedro, Solola, Guatemala.

Two years ago we took the leap as a family and decided to take a crack at raising our children in another country with the goal of fostering a broader world view and emphasizing generosity as a way of life. There have been many challenges along the way, yet it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Our children are enrolled in the local Guatemalan school system and we are so happy with the way they have been welcomed into the community.

Community Initiatives

We are passionate about seeing our neighbourhood grow and develop to the benefit of the local families in our area! San Pedro is a rather small town situated 3.5 hours away from Guatemala City on the shores of the majestic Lake Atitlan. Community life is a core value of Latin American culture. The combination of the area's cultural and traditional depth along with San Pedro's rural setting has provided us with a vibrant and active lifestyle where interactions, celebrations and cooperation amongst neighbours are a part of everyday life. 

Projects and events now include:

Business supports for locals

Arts and craft times for kids in our Community Centre

Neighbourhood children's music academy

Micro-loans supporting single mother entrepreneurs

Free community dinners and cultural exchanges

Workshops and courses to strengthen our community

"Corn-for-plastic" Incentivized beach cleanups. 

Los Colores Guesthouse

Casa los colores, Guatemala
Casa Los Colores, Guatemala
Los Colores Guesthouse Logo

Designed to provide a once in a lifetime trip experience. Los Colores connects travellers with authentic life in a Guatemalan neighbourhood. Safe, fun and beautiful interactions await you. During your stay you may want to chose to take some Spanish classes from our neighbour Dorly or a traditional weaving workshop from her mother-in-law Concepcion. Perhaps a sewing class from Pablo up the road OR maybe a tour of a nearby coffee plantation along with some lessons on bean roasting. Guided hikes for breathtaking views of the lake's volcanos are also available.


The list goes on and on!

 This is a great place to stay, participate with some community building volunteer work, and learn some of those new skills you've never had time for at home!

Best of all, you will be supporting the livelihood of the amazing families mentioned in the community initiatives section.

Volcan Atitlan

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